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Discover the answer to what is your purpose

What is your Life Purpose? Find out the answer with this revolutionary system

Want to find your life purpose the easy or hard way? You can take the long road for understanding your life's purpose or you can easily find your purpose through The Soul Purpose System. Life can be hard at times and you can get to a crossroad where you just don't know where to turn. When you live your life on purpose from a deep understanding of why you are here and leading with your gifts, your life and decisions become easier.

Understanding your Life Purpose Profile supports you with learning about you in an easier way complimented with great depth. It's revolutionary! 

    What is your purpose? Find out the fastest way via The Soul Purpose System?

  • The Soul Purpose System creates your Life Profile which is founded on ancient and sacred wisdom; a synthesis of Hebrew language, Gematria Numerology, Jewish Mysticism and Ancient Egypt to help us to remember who we are. This system has been brought forward by past and present modern spiritual channellers, Frank Alper and Ariella Juno Indigo. Melissa Taylor, Future Transcendence Leadership Mentor, is certified by Ariella Juno Indigo to deliver readings.

  • What will you uncover in your Life Purpose Briefing?

  • • The Soul Codes in your soul blueprint that are creating your reality with information on your earlier life and your later life

    • Intuitive guidance on your Life Purpose on what you are here to do in this lifetime e.g. career or business that embodies your life purpose. This is absolute gold! You know where to steer your life

    • The talents you possess to live your best life

    • A roadmap that continually keeps on giving to support you navigate life and on where to focus your efforts

    • Your past life karmic lessons and how to overcome them.

  • The Soul Purpose System works by decoding the sound vibration of your name. During your profile briefing we look primarily at your full birth name as this is the coding relevant to your life's mission and then look to other names you’ve used in your life with an overview to understand the direction your soul is taking you.

  • I had the opportunity to share in a Life Purpose Briefing with Melissa and I found the whole experience fascinating and very much in alignment with the knowledge and understanding about myself I was looking to bring into my life. I am in the process of attending an online business school and launching my soul purpose business and the insights about the energies held within my unique name and soul have been helpful for me to capture within the content of what I am creating. I have a deeper understanding of some of the challenges I came here to learn from and transmute them into empowering vibrations to assist me in my journey. I found that Melissa was articulate in sharing the soul information and she was welcoming, thoughtful and I felt very supported and reassured during our session. If you are ready to look inward to the splendor of your soul and bring forth your Soul Destiny, this is an experience that will provide loving guidance to illuminate your path. Janice F, USA

  • Life purpose quotes

  • Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life – Tom Thiss

    It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it - Nelson Mandela

    Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray - Rumi

Melissa Taylor is a Leadership Mentor empowering business leaders to be their best.

Business leaders hire Melissa to discover the fastest and easiest way to stress less, feel self confident and empowered to live their life purpose…Guaranteed.

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