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Happiness Generator Workshop

More than 255 studies show that money doesn't buy happiness. Studies say it is the other way around: Happiness attracts money. People who are happy earn $750,000+ more in their lifetimes than others.

Additionally, happy people are more fulfilled, relaxed, and peaceful. They naturally get lower prices, more opportunities, better care, more friends, greater intimacy, and so on.

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  • Happiness Generator (2.5 hour online workshop)

    You might think, "I would be happy too if I had more intimacy (or that car, that raise, that home...)," but it is the other way around. If you're happy first, everything will come. High wages. Great relationships. Career advancements. Customers. Great deals. Contentment in your home. All naturally, with little effort, which will make you happier still. "Happiness runs in a circular motion." 

    In my upcoming workshop "Happiness Generator", I’ll show you step-by-step how to raise your baseline of happiness. 

    This means that no matter what happens at work or home -- no matter what stress plows into you -- no matter how dire the circumstances -- you will AUTOMATICALLY return to a higher level of happiness than you have today. You don’t have to get richer, thinner, or smarter to be happier.

  • This is a highly interactive and fun workshop.

  • Here’s another reason to attend Happiness Generator: Happiness is "The Secret" to the Law of Attraction.

    Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret wrote…"I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret. The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life."

    Marci Shimoff, a featured teacher in The Secret movie, helped create Happiness Generator. It is based on her bestselling book, Happy for No Reason. Marci is an undisputed expert on the Law of Attraction.

    Like Rhonda, she and I both know that happiness is a powerful attractor. We know -- and I will teach you in the Happiness Generator workshop how happiness helps draw to you whatever you want and what you need to do.

    I’m going to help you quickly become happier, and remain happy for the rest of your life, which should be a long time, because when you are happy, you are likely to live longer. You are more emotionally healthy, physically healthy, creative, energetic, compassionate, and successful!

    All by following a practical 7-step strategy to increase your level of happiness and decrease the risks.

    You will learn to automatically generate happiness all of the time. You don't want to rely on anything else for your happiness. Not achievements, goals, money, relationships, a new car, fancy clothes, other people, or anything else "out there."

  • To buy and enroll, please click the button below.

  • In the Happiness Generator you will learn how to beat your genetics.

    Believe it or not, happiness is 50% genetics. That's why some people are just happy-go-lucky with everything turning up roses. That's also why some people just seem to be rich automatically, without trying.

    But that’s not the whole story. 50% of your happiness level is NOT genetics. The other 50% can be controlled by you! In the same way that you can crank the thermostat to warm up on chilly days, you can reprogram your happiness "set-point" to a higher level of peace and well-being. This happiness set-point is the level of happiness that you maintain most of your life. If you are unhappy now, you will likely be unhappy 10 years from now... unless you do something to change it. In the Happiness Generator workshop you will get practical, down-to-earth strategies based on the new science of happiness that will help you experience happiness "from the inside out."

    You don’t have to have happy genes, win the lottery, lose 20 pounds, or become a saint. By the time you finish the workshop, you will know how to experience an authentic state of sustained happiness for the rest of your life. 

    Click below to enroll and I look forward to seeing you there.


Melissa Taylor is a Leadership Mentor empowering business leaders to be their best.

Business leaders hire Melissa to discover the fastest and easiest way to stress less, feel self confident and empowered to live their life purpose…Guaranteed.

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